About us
What is the purpose of this website?
The Official Portal for Foreigners website was established with a view to sharing clear and comprehensive information with foreigners living in the Czech Republic, relating to their stay.
The purpose of the information published on this website, is to give you advice on the steps to be taken, if you wish to apply for a residence permit, extend your current residence permit or report relevant changes, or if you wish to carry out any other administrative act relating to your stay.
For more information about the options the Czech Republic gives you regarding your stay in the country, go through our Guide for foreigners. You will learn that the types of residence permits differ, depending upon the purpose of your stay.
The Department of Asylum and Migration Policy is governed by the law no. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic. That is why the advice on the Official Portal for Foreigners is primarily based on the law above, as well as the law no. 325/1999 Coll., on asylum, further on the administrative law (law. No. 500/2004 Coll.), etc. The section which deals with the temporary protection of aliens is based on the law called Lex Ukraine.
The Official Portal for Foreigners deals with the most frequently asked questions and priorty information relating to the issues which foreigners have to resolve regarding their stay. However, it does not give the precise wording of the relevant laws. You can find the complete wording of the enactment in the individual regulations.
We are not the Foreign Police. So who are we and what is our mission?
The Department of Asylum and Migration Policy is one of the sections of the Ministry of the Interior. Our employees deal with the following issues:
- International protection of foreigners,
- Entrance and stay in the territory of the Czech Republic,
- Coordination of the integration of foreigners,
- International and European cooperation in asylum and migration issues
- Schengen Area cooperation,
- Borders protection,
- Repatriation.
The department cooperates with the state organization Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, further, it submits proposals for changes in the design of the asylum centers and facilities for foreigners detention.
What was the reason for our being founded?
The Department of Asylum and Migration Policy came into existence in the year 2000 through the merger of the Agency for Migration and the Agency for Protection of State Borders. The greatest enlargement of the department occurred in 2009 and 2011, when, following the example of other EU states, the non-policing activites were removed from its functions. These were taken over by the Ministry of the Interior.
On January 1st, 2009 the department took over the agenda of the permanent residence. Since 2011 the agenda of temporary residence (long-term residence and long-term visa) was added to its functions.
Where will you find us?
You can deal with the issues regarding your residence at the offices of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior. You will always come within one of the local offices, depending upon the address of your residence.