This is a statement of the Labour Office as to whether further employment of a particular foreigner should be permitted, having regard to the labour market.
The Ministry of the Interior requires such a binding statement from the Labour with regard to applications for extension of employee card validity, or eventually on applications for the issue of an employee card on the grounds set out in § 42g par. 6 of law no. 326/1999 Coll.
A certified copy is a copy verified by an authorised institution as verbatim identical to the presented original.
A Confirmation of Compliance is a document issued by the Ministry of the Interior if you meet the requirements for issuance of an employee card or a blue card. Having received this confirmation, you can usually start employment.
An application is inadmissible when it is submitted under the circumstances for which the law lays down that if they occur, an application cannot be submitted. An application is also inadmissible if it does not meet the requirements for which the law stipulates that when unmet, the application cannot be submitted.
A notification of requirements (not) met for a change of employer, work position of an employee card holder or for employment with another employer or in another work position is a document with which the Ministry informs you whether your notification of one of the above-mentioned changes meets the legal requirements for such a change to be made.
The Foreigners Act, dealing with the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic, assumes that residence of all foreigners, except in the case of permanent residence, must be substantiated by a purpose. The purpose means any activity, which the foreigner carries on in the Czech Republic.
The identification number of a particular vacancy registered in the Central Database of Job Vacancies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and offered to blue card holders.